Argentium is a high-performance silver with several unique properties.

Argentium (92.5 or 96.0) It is purer than Sterling (92.5), has increased tarnish resistance,

 is a whiter colour and has antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties.  Argentium silver

is much more durable than sterling silver in that it’s more resistant to scratching, denting or

losing its shape. This makes it ideal for jewellery that is worn on a frequent basis.

Mining silver ore takes up large amounts of energy and has a devastating impact on the

environment.  The Argentium Silver Company only uses recycled silver which they guarantee

can be traced back to the source.  Making jewellery from recycled silver uses about 5% of the

energy and resources required to create pieces from new silver. This is a great step forward in

 easing the impact on the environment.

My silver jewellery pieces are made from Argentium sterling so you can be assured of quality

pieces that will last a lifetime.